19,829 *SOURCE: CNMV and CMi2i (October 2019) +52% FERROVIAL IBEX35 DIVIDEND SHARE STRUCTURE D J F M J J A M A S O N D +12% 226 302 280 282 317 218 240 238 SIEMPRELARA S.L.U. 4.2% THE CHILDREN’S INVESTMENT MASTER FUND 3.7% LAZARD ASSET MANAGEMENT 3.1% SOZIANCOR S.L.U. 2.5% BLACKROCK 3% FIDELITY INT’L 2% SHARE STRUCTURE 544 2016 520 2017 520 2018 520 2019 26.97 2019 CLOSING PRICE 17.70 2018 CLOSING PRICE CAPITALIZATION (M€) +57.2% TOTAL SHAREHOLDER RETURN (TSR)* S&P AND FITCH BBB CREDIT RATING INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS* (%) 28.57 TARGET PRICE CLOSING PRICE (€) MAX. (€) MIN. (€) VWAP (€) DAILY AVERAGE CASH (M€) DAILY AVERAGE CASH VOLUME (ACC M) 2019 2018 2017 NUMBER OF SHARES (ACC M) CAPITALIZATION (€M) SHARE PERFORMANCE IN 2019 (FER & IBEX) 15 6 2 SHAREHOLDER REMUNERATION (M€) HISTORICAL SHARE DATA ANALYST’S RECOMMENDATION CONTACT WITH THE MARKET BUY HOLD SELL FLOATING CAPITAL 53% MENOS MARES S.L.U. 8.1% RIJN CAPITAL BV 20.2% 26.97 17.70 18.93 27.21 19.78 20.75 17.71 16.20 16.75 23.15 17.86 18.63 47.05 27.39 33.07 2.02 1.54 1.77 735.22 738.46 732.27 19,829 13,067 13,858 NORTH AMERICA 34% EUROPE (EX. SPAIN) 49% SPAIN 6% REST OF THE WORLD 11% * Total Shareholder Return (TSR): it is the sum of the revaluation/depreciation of shares during the period and other payments, such as those derived from the purchase of subscription rights delivered to shareholders. 23 analysts were covering Ferrovial at 31 December. JP Morgan and Barclays started covering it during 2019. In 2019, the Investor Relations department held about 270 meetings, 12 roadshows and 5 seminars, with almost 400 investors. 19,829 *SOURCE: CNMV and CMi2i (october 2019) +52% FERROVIAL IBEX35 DIVIDEND SHARE PERFORMANCE D J F M J J A M A S O N D +12% 226 302 280 282 317 218 240 238 SIEMPRELARA S.L.U. 4.2% THE CHILDREN’S INVESTMENT MASTER FUND 3.7% LAZARD ASSET MANAGEMENT 3.1% SOZIANCOR S.L.U. 2.5% BLACKROCK 3% FIDELITY INT’L 2% SHARE STRUCTURE 544 2016 520 2017 520 2018 520 2019 26.97€ 2019 CLOSING PRICE 17.70€ 2018 CLOSING PRICE CAPITALIZATION (M€) +57.2% TOTAL SHAREHOLDER RETURN (TSR)* S&P AND FITCH BBB CREDIT RATING INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS* (%) 28.57 TARGET PRICE CLOSING PRICE (€) MAX. (€) MIN.(€) VWAP (€) DAILY AVERAGE CASH (M€) DAILY AVERAGE CASH VOLUME (ACC M) 2019 2018 2017 NUMBER OF SHARES (ACC M) CAPITALIZATION (€M) SHARE PERFORMANCE IN 2019 (FER & IBEX) 15 6 2 SHAREHOLDER REMUNERATION (M€) HISTORICAL SHARE DATA ANALYST’S RECOMMENDATION CONTACT WITH THE MARKET BUY HOLD SELL FLOATING CAPITAL 53% MENOSMARES S.L.U. 8.1% RIJN CAPITAL BV 20.2% 26.97 17.70 18.93 27.21 19.78 20.75 17.71 16.20 16.75 23.15 17.86 18.63 47.05 27.39 33.07 2.02 1.54 1.77 735.22 738.46 732.27 19,829 13,067 13,858 NORTH AMERICA 34% EUROPE (EX. SPAIN) 6% SPAIN 6% REST OF THE WORLD 11% * Total Shareholder Return (TSR): it is the sum of the revaluation/depreciation of shares during the period and other payments, such as those derived from the purchase of subscription rights delivered to shareholders. 23 analysts were covering Ferrovial at 31 December. JP Morgan and Barclays started covering it during 2019. In 2019, the Investor Relations department held about 270 meetings, 12 roadshows and 5 seminars, with almost 400 investors.